Thursday 12 January 2012

Human Revolution (In Search of God and Eternal Life)

The following 15 principles are of the basic tenets of philosophy of those who see direct relationship between the deeds of people and their basic ideologies, and realize the need for a revolution in human thinking concerning religions, faith, and different ideologies in order to obliterate any kind of bigotry, prejudice, intolerance, and their consequent outcomes, putting an end to all kinds of abuse and misuse of religions and ideologies.
Churches, Mosques, Synagogues and other places of worship, stripped of all sacred, demagogical, and mystical features, turn into study centers to explore the facts about creation and the creator. Any tribune, pulpit, and platforms of one way sermons and decorated speeches turn into round tables of public discourse and free discussion.
Instead of worshiping, venerating, and glorifying a God of whom people have no clear knowledge, they start a serious search for whomever or whatever they call God. By so doing, they will come to learn the laws of nature and the best ways to manage their affairs, and only when do they get to know the God well, they will realize whether they should worship him or what:
1- The world we live in, including ourselves, has come into being and will continue
to exist in accordance with its specific laws and regulations, the origin of which is not yet known to anyone.
2- Recognition of, and familiarization with these governing laws and regulations is the only way to enable human beings to make the most of this being.
3- Obtaining true knowledge about the whole being is the only way of knowing the creator of this being, and cooperation of every individual human being in a systematic study of this being is the only way to enhance inventions of new ideas and technologies in order to achieve that goal.
4- From the time of realizing their power of contemplation, the thinking human have been engaged in the study of the origin of life, and have issued different theories in this respect.
5- As it is true about today, throughout the history, there have appeared a number of geniuses with brilliant ideas that have brought about more drastic changes in human life and have greatly advanced the knowledge about the being and the quality of life.
6- At the same time, it must be kept in mind that, throughout the history, a vast majority of the population consisted of those we may call populace, whom could have been influenced by the learned much less than the people of today can, because of the low level of communication and understanding between them.
7- A common belief among the ordinary thinking people from the early time could have been the idea that there must be a creator for this being with an unlimited power. Such a creator, with whatever name, has always been highly respected and worshiped by the believers.
8- What, in different human terms, is known as God, is that same creator of the whole being. This is the fact that all people of the world should be aware of, so that, they will at least not fight with each other over the use of this word. (It was recently in the news that in one country the Muslems protested against the Christians over the use of the same word for their God, claiming that they want to attract Mulems to join their religion!)

9- Those personalities whom, in the course of the history, have been known as prophets or messengers of God, and founders of different religions, have all introduced themselves as to have been talking about the same creator, and none of them have ever renounced or rejected another; though their followers might have been accused of deviation and having gone astray. This, of course, is true about the way different religious group think of each other today!
10- The idea that the so called prophets had been in special contact with the creator, having taken orders from him and being given special mission by him, has never been proved by today's standards. And what have been referred to as their miracles lack any strong grounds. And it is very likely that they belong to the same geniuses who had realized that relating their ideas to the one revered by all as the sole authority, would be the only way to influence such people. It is like some of what we consider superstition today, and might have one day been ways of making the populace do what had seemed to be right. Even in some today's societies, the authorities exercise their power this way by relating their aims to God.
11- Among the thoughts and opinions introduced by popular religions and the books attributed to them, there are valuable facts that can be utilized as achievements of humankind. Even those ideas of such religions that are not acceptable by today's standards, having been proved for their authenticity, can be used as sources to be studied, like any historical document, to find out why they had had utility then. Of course, to people who consider themselves men of God, with the belief that everything and everybody belongs to God, attributing religious ideas to God or to God's creature should not result in denunciation of the person who claims so.
12- Today, as a result of elevated level of people's knowledge and clearer perception of the world, and also availability of advanced technological means of education and communication, it has become possible to engage man in a real quest for the truth about creation, and start a universal journey in search of God; thereby, initiating an ideological revolution, letting the theists realize that they worship a god about whom they have no clear idea; as a result, they are usually engaged in ideological wrangles and disputes that sometimes result in annihilation of each other.
13- Instead of various elusive schools of theism and atheism, there should be initiated a school of thought concentrating on a struggle in search of God by all believers and even non-believers, who are naturally eager to know the truce about life. Such a struggle requires sincere cooperation and intimate communication and exchange of ideas among all members of human race. It is the realization of the need for such unity that brings about observance of the rights of every individual by all members of societies, leading to a real change in current "politics" referred to, even by politicians themselves, as "dirty politics" to what can be called "clean politics", putting an end to all crime and injustice in the world.
14- There should be no problem in choosing a name for this creator. People can use the same name that they use now in every language, like God, or any other name like the word "creator".
15- There are two other words: "heaven" and "hell", common among all believers, that may be as old as the word God. Heaven describes the man's wish for a perfect life, and hell is referred to as a life in torment and misery, a proportion of which has been and is experienced by some people and some nations. It is quite obvious that living in a perfect place like heaven requires people with perfect social behavior, and no slight mistake can be considered acceptable there. It seems quite paradoxical to believe that there is a heaven made ready for us sinful people to enjoy after death. The only way possible for humans to be innocent of any error is to familiarize themselves with knowledge of the laws and regulations that govern the world and the place we live. And it is this knowledge that enables the man to terminate mortality and enjoy an eternal life. This will also give the man the creative power of making the heaven they have in mind.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

The Scandalous Men of God!!

Are These Religious Institutes Reliable?!
Not for the first time, a religious establishment is facing what one of its own men put it as a Tsunami of abuse claims. Recently, Pope Benedict (The sixteenth!) has apologized for the scandal surrounding churches in different countries on the subject of sexual harassment of the most innocents of human beings. Children who are supposed to be trained to be good men of God are being treated in the most shameful and malicious manner in places considered the most safe. Who knows what would become of such children?!
These are the words of Pope when trying to bring back the confidence of people: “I know that nothing can undo the wrong you have endured. Your trust has been betrayed and your dignity has been violated.”
The question is why people should put their trust in these men. Would people have trusted them had they not been associated with the church? Who are these men that people should trust?! Aren’t they themselves victims of such abuses?!
These particular cases are happening at the time of all openness and modern civilization. Who knows what have happened during the dark days of the past. No one can forget the crimes such people committed during the ages when the church ruled in the old days.
It is not only Christian “Men of God” that commit crimes; Studying the history of Moslems and Jews and what their “Men of God” have done and are doing in the name of their God. What has happened and is happening in Palestine; what has happened and is happening in Iran and other Moslem countries are only a slim part of scandals surrounding the religious institutes. Why are all these happening?!
The real answer is this: People put their trust where they shouldn’t. By doing so, people surrender their power to those who do not deserve. People call them “the men of God”. Well, if God is The Creator, all people belong to God. What has become so special about these people?
Is it not the right time to ask ourselves this question? Are religions really, as we believe, expressing the words of The Creator? Even if their founders had had such beliefs that they had been chosen men for their missions, why should we still be looking at today’s so called religious leaders in this way?!
It is a reality that almost all people who still believe in religions are not really sure if Christ, Mohammad or Moses had been in some kind of special contact with God. Even if they had, there is no reason that people of today trust, to such an extent, those who only claim to be their followers and have set up establishments so glamorous as never existed before with the power that has made them vulnerable to any misuse of their authorities?
To me we must consider what we call religion as something of the history and learn our lessons from them and look at them as part of human achievements and knowledge to be studied further at academic arena; and convert all the establishments reigning under religious flags to something of modern education bearing no mark of sainthood that can be deceiving in some ways.
Our religion is what we believe is right to do. We should continue to act righteously and try to learn things that can be better than what we are doing , correcting our path of life in the hope of finding the truth behind all matters concerning life and death in order to achieving our goals in life .
Will anyone dare to talk about this matter or wait for the news of other scandals to be revealed.

Monday 4 May 2009

Obama’s 100 days & 100s of Questions about Change

As president Obama’s campaign slogan was “Change”, making judgment about his success during his first one hundred days in office should be based on his success in bringing about change. The main factor in gaining public support for change was the crisis dominating America and the world as a result of mishandling of affairs during the previous administrations. Although his first priority was dealing with economic crisis that needed decisive action, this problem has its roots in much wider problems dominating the world. Before finding real solution to the main problems, any solution for economy would be short term.
The real problems leading to the present crisis can be described in the word “Politics”. This term, having lost its original meaning of well-judged deliberation and rightful management of public affairs, is now interpreted as a trick of gaining control in ruling over people. There are two classes of people who seek government positions in order to gain advantage. First , those who are concerned only about their short sighted policies of achieving immediate interests regardless of what happens to others. Second , the group of clergies whose misunderstandings of God, religion , and the whole being, make them believe that by gaining the control of state can perform their religious duties. The latter group, having strengthened their control over people and enjoyed the tempting taste of power, usually join the former group in oppressing the people.
The American system of government is of the kind that whoever is elected as the president can dominantly preside over the country for at least four years even when public opinion is not behind him.
President Obama’s election is incidentally the result of such circumstances in the absence of which he might not have been able to gain public support.
Now that he with his slogan of change is well received by his own people and the world, the real question is whether he can fulfill his promise of change. The answer to this question is probably known only to those who know about the secrets revealed to him during the handover ceremony by his predecessor. It is probable that at that same moment he finds himself in a position that has to compromise and come to terms with the situation. We saw that during the present economic crisis institutions saved by public money first divided that money between their heads to be questioned only when he was informed. Even then the return of it seems to have been arranged in a way that they would have had their benefit of it.
Of course a good number of people see in him the kind of honesty and integrity that enables him to act differently and press for the real changes needed to save America and even the world from long existing crisis. Such programs of change, in the present circumstances, need the support of all who willingly seek real reforms. If he is not supported by the people and other international figures, he and his hope will melt away in the present system and somehow finish his term(s) in office.
If other political figures in the world show the same reaction as that shown by the regime in Tehran, shouting irredeemability of American policies, the idea of change will certainly fail and the present situation of militarization and endless wars will continue.
However, up to now and during his first hundred days in office, he has maintained his attitude towards change. But if he wants to practically prove his honesty, he ought to be able to provide answers to hundreds of questions related to the policies of super powers. Some of these prevailing questions surround the following issues:
The most destructive problem facing the world is continuation of military confrontations and destructive wars in different parts of the world. Throughout the history human beings have been involved in alot of ruthless wars; but at a time when all are talking of civilization and human rights, how can anyone justify the use of force in solving regional problems? But modernization of wars is a sad proof of the continuation of misuse of power by governments just as the old days.
Surely no war and regional confrontation can persist without the consent of governmental powers. To a lot of people it is a reality that in every regional conflict there is the trace of some super power, trying to maintain their so called interests by selling arms and dominating over the natural resources of regions.
Before the fall of Soviet Union, rivalry between East and West was the cause of wars in different parts of the world ; of course by taking advantage of existing minor problems in every region. And now there is a strong belief that super powers have compromised over their interests in different parts of the world. Sometimes creating enemies in order not to put out the roaring fire of the wars.
There still exists in our memory that after the fall of Soviet Russia the divided countries including the present Russia were not but bankrupts driven into all kinds of problems. Had it not been for the help from the west, the present Russia would not have survived to be as it is. So it would be hard to believe that there is no coordination between them when it comes to international issues.
Still how could American presence in Korean peninsula continue if the problems of North and South Korea were to be solved?! How can The Middle East problems be solved if the easy flow of wealth from this region is to resume?! How could the flow of oil and return of its money through the sale of arms and other old nuclear and nonnuclear facilities be guaranteed, had it not been for the reign of hostile regimes in the region like that of Iran and its neighbors?! There should have existed someone like Sadam Hossein in Iraq that could be manipulated for different aims and finally facilitate the occupation of Iraq. In Africa, the land of president Obama’s ancestors, why are all these bloody wars going on in the regions rich in natural resources?! They are not fighting with bows and arrows anymore! Where do all these weapons come from? Who are behind all these wars? Where are all the cues in those countries planned?!
A good number of such international interventions during the recent times are still remembered: Where and when has any moderate and democratically elected government in such countries been supported and has not been subject to conspiracy? Wasn’t the legitimate government of Dr Mosadegh in Iran overthrown and replaced by a dictatorial regime? Wasn’t the recent Iranian revolution derailed and long Iranian dream of freedom deferred through collaboration with the extremists in order to return dictatorship?! What difference does it make for them for a dictator to have crown on his head or turban?! The only thing matters to them is noninvolvement of people and their intellectuals in country’s affairs so as to facilitate implementation of secret agreements made behind the closed doors. Of course no one should underestimate the role of the people themselves, but when cleverly planned conspiracies take place poor people are left helpless.
Examples of such deals are: All the ups and downs during the occupation of American embassy in Tehran and different stories about the release of the captives and American election, different Iran- gates, the story of Macfarlane, and so on. It was only recently that in his interview, one of the prominent and well informed figures, Dr. Yazdi who was a member of provisional government said that at the time when Americans had the choice of supporting the moderates or the Mollas, they supported the Mollas. They have of course achieved their goals now: the president who wanted to end the war was overthrown for the war to continue for eight years in the interest of the others. And who better than Ayatolla Khamanee could spread enmity across the region and create foes for the country?! Who better than Ahmadinejad can better pave the way for foreign intervention by his sharp but hollow and baseless words?!
Yet, if president Obama is willing to implement his policy of real change, these are some of the fields he can act upon. He must replace the present form of politics with the honesty that people see on his face. Succeeding in doing so in America will enable him to change the path of politics in other parts of the world, creating the required atmosphere to bring constructive changes to the whole world.
This requires a very strong will, determination, and sacrifice that are now beyond perception. But now that such opportunity has lain in the hands of the person whom people find capable, let us ask him to look back and see what has become of the former presidents. Only afew of them still live and their time is up. What remains of everyone as a permanent legacy are their deeds. Great deeds are not the work of any person and not every one finds the opportunity of being capable of bringing big changes. Just look back again to the history of mankind and make a comparison between all is left from the heads and heroes and that of people like Jesus Christ, Moses, and Muhammad who in their then present circumstances called themselves messengers and prophets; and their real impact and influence on the world. Not of course what some of their present pretentious followers claim about them. Is president Barak Hossein Obama prepared to show the will and determination like that of Jesus Christ and accept the possible consequence of being seen hanging on another cross?
in persian

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Obama's Expected Reply to Ahmadinejad

If the president elect Obama of the United States is to live up to the expectations of people, this is the kind of reply he should give to Mr. Ahmadinejad of Iran:

Dear Mr. ahmadinejad,
I would like to express my gratitude to your sending of a letter of congratulations, and your references to a number of points that if considered with sincerity and good will by responsible personalities, they would certainly take a path on which, god willing, could find healing to the economical and psychological wounds incurred by your administration and that of my predecessors. But as a popular Persian saying goes, “One should first prove his own brotherhood.”
You have rightly stated that the opportunities bestowed to us are short- lived. Now, with your years of presidency passing you by, you can look back and see whether you have done your nation services or harm. On passing judgment over this matter we certainly have differences of opinions. Of course, it is quite natural that everyone`s perceptions of his own deeds may sharply differ from that of others, and judgment on such issues should be left to independent bodies. It is also very likely that governments take the wrong direction while believing that they are going the right way. What is essentially important is that people who are supposed to be holding the real power, have the opportunities and means of changing their rulers as soon as they realize the policies adopted by their governments are not to their interests. And this is what all elections are about and this is what has put me in a position that you congratulated me on.
For almost two years during my election campaigns, taking advantage of all possible means of communications, I have been trying hard to contact every American to explain my views about matters that concern them and the world. At the same time my many opponents have also been doing so, taking every opportunity to unveil slightest weaknesses any one could have thought of in me. This gave the Americans the chance to judge on me and the other candidates with clear mind and knowledge. It just happened on this election that the people of the world too had their eyes on it. Now I am very much obliged and greatly appreciate the trust this nation has placed in me. No doubt people will continue to closely observe my deeds in future and judge me on them.
One of the most important issues that I am supposed to deal with is the long-existing problems between Iran and America. You are certainly aware that this had also been an important issue raised by the other candidates, usually in my disadvantage, occasionally backed by hints coming out of your administration.
Now that you expect me to deal with this problem, trying to heal the wounds of the past, I would like to announce that this is not an issue that I could solve single-handedly. What is most essential in this respect is to build mutual trust between the two nations and the parties concerned. What my predecessors have been emphasizing is that there does not exist a way that you can be trusted. This has its basis in our ideology that only when governments act upon the true will of their nations, can we almost be certain that no misconduct is probable from them. Thus we do not trust governments that are not represented by people and that their people are not able to cast their opinions in an internationally acceptable free environment, unless our intelligent sources have adequate access to their activities of vital international concerns. Of course, I would not like to get involved in such arrangements as I know it is against the will of your people. Therefore, I suggest that first of all you should bring about the type of changes in your system of government that can gain public confidence and establish a system based on the true will of your people. It is only then that I can assure you of a world-wide support and the kind of relationship that your people and the rest of the world deserve.
I would like to clarify the fact that according to international standards your government is not the true representative of people of Iran for the simple reason that the present electoral procedures in Iran are more of an appointment by authorities than an election by people. A clear example is the present situation where with just a few months left to the end of your term in office, Iranians do not know who if any the candidates will be. And even among the people from within the system willing for nomination no one will know, until very near to election time, whether their so called competency will be approved by none elected authorities. Your leader has just recently prevented even internal factions in the government of talking about election as being too early. Moreover, with the present circumstances for the public media and the absence of any true opposition party there is virtually no hope for a fair and free election.
Another important issue that stands in the way of mutual trust is that ever since the revolution in Iran there have been and still are political assassinations the sponsors of which have never been introduced. the families of victims have never been satisfied with court procedures and as no effort is made to bring such criminals to justice naturally the government itself is to be blamed. Now if you were to judge, would you claim that people of Iran can elect their real representatives? This is why the people of the world cannot put their trust in you. As a result your claims to be the followers of path of God and teachings of divine prophets are also disputed.
I am looking forward to conferring with the real representative of good people of Iran.

Thursday 6 November 2008

a U.S. president that can become a U.N. president

there are moments in the history of mankind that provide opportunities for great changes and big jumps towards perfection of life . any substantial change necessary for launching social changes and cultural revolutions requires peoples` full participation in the process of change . Gaining public support for such changes is not always an easy task for men of culture and politics .
The recent American election in which Americans shouted their voices for change and elected a president who has promised to do so has turned out to be quite different from any other election . Had Americans voted differently , the resulting atmosphere would have been quite different , and would`ve heightened the prevailing tension among feelings of men and women of not only America but those of the worlds` population .
It just happened that in this election it was not only the Americans who were casting their votes but the whole world had their eyes and minds on it .Had people of the world been asked to vote in this election, they would have undoubtedly voted for Barak Obama with even more overwhelming majority . for the people of the world had felt the negativity of existing American policies more deeply than the Americans themselves .
although there has long been a perception that American politics is set beyond the public eyes, still this election has brought about a lot of hope among all nations, and as it was heard to be said it was the death of apathy .this is a rare opportunity that if seized and taken responsibly by politicians and men of word and culture in America and the rest of the world, it carries the momentum that can reform the world relationships and unite the nations towards managing the world in such a way that benefits humanity in all its aspects .
Undoubtedly those who wrongly believe that their interests lie in the war of ideologies and military confrontations will try to change this mood .But if wise people of America and the world value this opportunity and initiate struggles for world unity , there is the possibility that the above mentioned claim come to reality . and in future the whole nations of the world go to the poles together and elect their bests

Sunday 25 February 2007

A Religion of All Religions-The Religion of Peace & love

The world today is experiencing what appears to be the war of religions and ideologies .Whether the cause of the wars is religion, or other factors hidden behind religion, is what can answer the question why this war is going on .The reality is that at this very moment there is fighting going on in Iraq , Afghanistan , Iran , Pakistan , India, The Middle East, different parts of Africa and almost every corner of the world, appearing to be a war between the followers of Islam , Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, different factions of these religions and other isms. These wars have created real "Hell" for the people involved, and left their impacts on the rest of the world.
As far as the history of all wars reveals, the wars have always been a matter of power struggle. There have always been some people thirsty of power, and willing to have every thing in their control. The power to possess whatever they desire , or the power to put into effect what they think is the right thing to be done. The latter, very likely to find its way to the former .On the other hand, there have also been people inspired by love of mankind, a number of whom have, at times, come along with brilliant ideas that have helped mankind .Man, having always been looking for a proper way to live happily and prosperously, have been attracted to such brilliant ideas, some of which have become the ideologies of small or large groups of people in different parts of the world. A number of these ideologies have formed the basis of what have been introduced as divine and wholly religions, believed by their followers, to be the rules presented by the Creator of the world. The founders of such religions might have rightly had to relate them to gods, in order to get the then rather primitive people to follow them. It seems that no known religion in its fundamental teachings had advised its followers to fight the others in order to make them believe and follow what that particular religion is about, for the simple reason that the two concepts of " belief " and " force " have nothing in common .However ; there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding and misinterpretation of religions by their followers , mainly because of great cultural gap between what the founders of religions were and what the people are today. It is obvious that man's life has changed a lot and this makes lots of those beliefs irrelevant to the man of today. It also seems to have been the case that such ideologies have been misused by power-seekers as a tool to bring the believers under their control, thus; using them to fulfill the desires of those in power. So, what had been supposed to be used as guide line for a good life, has turned to be serving just the opposite!
Nations governed by such power-seekers, whether under cover of religion, or even modern slogan of democracy are distancing themselves from a peaceful, honorable life .The system of education, being under state control, emphasizes on a kind of fanatical nationalism that leaves no common ground between peoples of different countries. In such countries, ignorance, combined with a kind of fanatical bigotry, assisted by the ill will of men in power, contribute into establishing a kind of racism, with their spokesmen preaching the gospel of hate against the others. To add to this , different groups of power-seekers seem to have organized Mafia-like institutes that have spread their authorities in different corners of human life , so far as the control of some influential religious leaders .thus; authorizing teaching of people in a way that results in the spread of hatred between nations of the world .
One big problem, hindering common understanding between nations and leaving them vulnerable to being misused, is fanaticism, prejudice and bigotry surrounding religious and philosophical ideologies .people are not ready to question their beliefs and consider the ideas of others, because they think what they believe in, is Wholly and Divine and the words of God-The Creator, who is supposed to be the only guide whose guidance is the best and believable. Were such people able to understand that none of the existing religions with their prevailing ideologies can be the words of The Creator, simply because of their irrational contradictory views on how to manage life , would help them out of such hindrances . There should be a way to the realization of the fact that none of the existing religions are direct words of God, but not denying them all together, because every one of them, in their fundamental forms, have been the result of clever findings of thoughtful persons of their times, as solutions to the then existing problems . So they can be considered as theories like any other philosophical theories of modern philosophers that may consist of useful guides for better living .So there is a necessity for giving all these religions and philosophies a second thought, through which there can come out a new guide line for the human being to lead their life to a heavenly life that man had always wished for as a permanent, everlasting, happy life. To do so, before everything, there is a need to pass this message to all peoples of the world, that there is no convincing reason that any of the prevailing religions are direct teachings of the Creator as to be considered "divine" and "wholly", nor is there a concrete proof for any of irreligious philosophical theories about existence. But there is a direct relationship between any "Material" and "non-Material" human product and the Creator- what ever called in different languages and by different Philosophies .Coming to such understanding would help people out of hindrances toward common understanding; thus, creating the atmosphere that necessitates a change in the way we look at life and religion ,and that there is a necessity to find an improved guide line for modern man's life, based on all the experiences of the past and modern, rational ideologies of this time ,leaving the way open to further debates as man is continually learning more about facts of life. So comes a need for theorizing a new, ever self improving religion that has the best of all religions. Such a religion can introduce a kind of cultural internationalism to enable the peoples of the world establish a peaceful atmosphere among themselves. Thus, preventing any war between the nations.
Creation of such atmosphere in the world can pave the way for a new civilization where every individual becomes involved in the struggle toward finding solutions to the existing problems. This can bring about a united front to rule the world according to sets of ideologies based on scientific facts and natural laws of nature .This can be the right path that if man sets foot on , with the development of technology and availability of world wide teaching facilities , the long-waiting, ideal desire of man to live in heaven, where every aspect of life appears in its perfect form, seems to be quite achievable .The ever improving technology can help man build a world free from any form of evil and full of love and happiness, in which an everlasting, perfect life can prevail. Who is going to prophesy this religion? Can it be you?! Yes, this is a religion that every individual should be the prophet of.